Added by on 2013-07-16

I’M BAAAAAAACK! Sorry I’ve been away for so long, but I’m back now, with this video which will teach you what the notes are on the guitar, and the methodology behind it. This will be useful for next week’s barre chord/ power chord lesson. Also, I’ve had a lot of questions for my Guitar FAQ video, but have decided to leave it a bit longer in case you guys have any more. If you do want to know anything about learning or playing the guitar, get in touch! E-mail: Tweet: Facebook message: Search for ‘Brooke Charlesworth’. I think there are only two of us in the world, and one is clearly in California Video Rating: 4 / 5 This is my method to learn the names and note location on the guitar for my students. I send my students here before we start so I know they have this skill underway. I hope it helps you. Video Rating: 4 / 5

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