Learn and UNDERSTAND what the modes are, how to play them, and how to use them. Learn more for free at www.shredknowledge.com Video Rating: 4 / 5
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do you give skyp lessons?
hay i thought dorian mode is 1 2 3 4 5 6 flat 7? whats up with that?
well the natural or relative minor (am to C dm to F or em to G) all have the b3 and b7 and 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7 (see the minors post) the 3 notes that change within the ionian system are the b2 (phrygian) 1 b2 b3 4 5 b6 b7 –here in E E F G A B C the dorian #6 (raising the 6 or leaving it as it was in major ) 1 2 b3 4 5 6 b7 here in E F G A B C# D , there are two seperate minor systems also , the melodic 12b34567 and harmonic 12b345b67 they both have the raised 7th ,
Wait bro, can you clarify the formula for the minors. Its confusing me. Epically
To be honest im really into Jazz and stuff metal too. but more Jazz and i’ve been wondering modes really no one has made it this clear to me til now. thanks man for the bump! haha
Oh alright cool. I headed over to your website but i didnt know where to start i know my scales and stuff but atleast now i know what to look up Thanks man!
I can give you the theory but a good way to play over it is whatever the root is (say B in a Bm7b5chord)) you play the major cale 1 note above it (so C major) this is the easiest way to look at it. …..so D#mb5 chord you play E major
the formula is R b2 b3 4 b6 b7 …..C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb locian ) ……for more stuff head to our website and check mark thompsons fusion theory …theres some other modes you may like too …metal and fusion stuff
whoa. OMG Thanks that clears up ALOT! hahah Oh one last thing what about Locrian?
The 3 major modes are Ionian , Lydian and Mixolydian
Ionian – CDEFGABC lydian – CDEF#GABC Mixolydian – CDEFGABb(orA#)C
Can you see there is only one note difference between each, There is also a formula assigned to each note 1234567 lydian is 123(#4)567.mixolydian 123456b7..this is true for the minors too check numbers for any minor key 1 2(b3) 4 5 b6 b 7 which in C is C D Eb F G A Bb – Dorian -1 2 b3 4 5 6 b7 – C D Eb F G A Bb phrygian – 1b2b3456b7-CDbEbFGAB )
I’m happy to explain modes ….I didnt make this video …
a scale has a mode name for every note in it and is like a ladder
mode 1 = C D E F G A B C -Ionian
mode 2 = D E F G A B C D-dorian
mode3= E F G A B C D E- phrygian , and its goes like that through all 7 modes ….same notes different roots and a name to remember those same notes in staggard orders by .
but what your asking I think this this …(see next post)
Sup Man! Great Explanations I kinda have a request, i noticed how you would describe each modal scale Ionian, Dorian etc. like when you’re describin the scale, you say that the scale is pretty much the same as the major but some notes go either flat or sharp. I was wondering whether you can do a breakdown of that for each Mode
The maker of this video that is
You are a genius sir I now understand.
Ok Modes are the Degree of the major Scale For instance
in the Key of C the first mode is Ionian which IS the major diatonic scale
the mode after that is Dorian which in the case of C major D dorian
in layman’s terms modes start on the next note of the scale
Ionian in C is :CDEFGABC
Dorian is: DEFGABCD
Phrygian: EFGABCDE
so on and so forth
So if a song is in C major and it hits an A minor Chord I would suggest using an A Aeolian scale
jeff is great at explaining in detail , I like to look at modes as rungs of a ladder , each step happens to have a greek name but they are all the same ladder …..its just magicical how the scale can take on a new sound going from another ladder rung than the first ……..(I’m markT from SK)
like u said frist get it down on ur fingers then learn how to use em in a solo . i think i have em down now. Is there a video about how to use em in solos and stuff
thax bro im finaly getting the hang of modes.are tab sheets for modes in different positions if there are where can i get em .
I’m sure you’re in the “hounrole”
Hey maniboy. I recommend you go to the shredknowledge site and go to lessons by Jeff Martin. Under there I have several modes lessons thoroughly explained. I have a lesson called introduction to modes, which is a modes primer kinda thing. then there is modes in c major, then modes in g major. Then, I give examples on how to solo in the dorian mode and the phrygian mode. that should help you out my friend.
bro u made me even more confused could you break it down for me trust me i am not dumb i am a hounrole student from 8th grade and i will get modes if u break it down. Now i am a sophmore in hewlett long island NY the place where Satch and Vai grew up. i will learn something hopefuly other people will too i ent goona be a waste of your time.I take musictheory in school too but the teachers cant explain modes properly plz help dude will appreciate it!
well, you can’t really play the cmajor scale and the g major scale at the same time. We western worlders are used to the sound of the major scale, so modes sound weird at first. but, the only major scale is the ionian mode.
my guitar teacher said that modes r just playing the major scale with a bass note in the background is that true like if the c major scale is being played in the the background and i solo over a g major scale then i am playing a mixalydian mode
I am a begining and what i dont get is how playing tow difernt notes chages your playing complety they are two notes you may not even play in your solo or whatever