Added by on 2013-07-17

FREE EBOOKS – Sign up to my newsletter & receive my Guitar & Ukulele Ebooks. CLICK HERE for Part Two – Strumming & Rhythm – Need a NEW Acoustic Guitar, Learn Guitar Tunes has reviewed and recommend’s this one – – The Vintage V300 is without a doubt… Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  • steve marston 11 years ago

    found it easy to play a long really helpful cheers

  • Learnguitartunes 11 years ago

    No offence taken, and you are right the original way to play the song is nicer. I can obviously play barre chords etc and play the original version of the song, but lots of beginner guitar players not at that level yet can enjoy this version of the song too. Thanks

  • jamesh487 11 years ago

    Ok guitar lesson but it’s in the wrong key making it very very difficult to sing along. My advice is practice bar chords more they make this song so much better. Not being horrible cause you’ve obviously put time into doing this but it just doesn’t sound right

  • gvoTV 11 years ago

    I cant play barre chords so this really helped me play one of my top songs. thanks

  • Learnguitartunes 11 years ago

    thank you for the feed back, what you said is the exact reason why I posted my lesson, not everyone can play barre chords yet. I am glad you liked the lesson. Keep rocking.

  • thierry court 11 years ago

    easy chords good sound thanks a lot

  • Oliv3rb 11 years ago

    Nice vid