FULL COURSE, TAB, JAM TRACKS: truefire.at GUITAR LESSONS: bit.ly Welcome to Acoustic Guitar For Beginners with Rich Maloof! Time to dust off your guitar and start strumming. You won’t be bogged down in this course by tedious exercises or music theory. Instead, we get straight to the mechanics of chords and strums so that you can pick up a piece of sheet music (or find some online) and start playing songs that you know and love. As you click from lesson to lesson, check out the other elements in the video player. The Jam tracks, Text, and PDF’s all support the lessons taught on video. TrueFire on Twitter – www.twitter.com TrueFire on Facebook – www.truefire.com Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Sure man trust me xD
im eleven and i got an acoustic guitar for christmas and i dont know how to play it i need some free lessons
@AvahHam Do you guys have lessons for acoustic gutars if you do can u give me the address
I have the same guitar you have an alverez
YOU’RE DAMN SKIPPY! Bitches will fall for anything, that’s why they’re bitches :p
I need more videos
if you believe hard enough )))))))
Depends on how much work you put into it! In my experience it will get you some whores but the ones worth dating don’t really care. On the other hand it will make the competition hate the shit out of you, being a musician is bad ass especially if your good at what you play. Lol On a serious note, learn because you love music and the other shit will fall into place. m/m/
Depends on how much work you put into it! In my experience it will get you some whores but the ones worth dating don’t really care. On the other hand it will make the competition hate the shit out of you, being a musician is bad ass especially if your good at what you play. Lol On a serious note, learn because you love music and the other shit will fall into place. m/m/
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I knew how to play when I was 11
how to play guitar is it easier to write songs then???
how long have you played =)
what do you think
Nice lesson, We have some harmonica and flute lessons for beginners…COME by!
guitar gets me all the bitches
@stevethemonkey123. i guess so. they are attractive to guys that play guitar somehow. At least thats what I heard
I was fourteen when I posted this comment and started learning how to play. Now I’m fifteen and done with my lessons. I just teach myself new songs every other day.