Jim Hall part1
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Humans are good at categorizing things. Organizing is what we do to make sense of the world. Just because Benson plays on an album with flamenco guitarist Tomatito, that doesn’t make Benson a flamenco guitarist. There is no point missed. We didn’t invent the major styles of music, but we recognize there is a difference. Once you try homogenize everything, it all sounds like background music in a market.
Each to his or her talents. The listener’s responsibility is embrace and appreciate it all.
Hi Elliot. I didn’t know where to thank you subscribing to my channel, so I am doing it here. Thank you!
All the best,
Cory Sea
what guitar is jackie chan playing?
Grandissimo Mr. JIM HALL, un musicista di classe A, punto di riferimento per tutti i chitarristi interessati ad approfondire i vari aspetti del suonare la seiCorde: il SUONO, l’accompagnamento e il fraseggio solista. Questo Super-Video è la conferma della sua immensa esperienza musicale! Enjoy The MUSIC !!!….
Sometimes you hear some harmonic and/or melodic ideas in your head, then you want to play it on the instrument beautifully. The music theory helps to transcribe your musical ideas and simply makes them playable. So anyone has some musical ideas in his/her head, needs some level of theory to regenerate the musical idea on the instrument beautifully. Therefore it’s an important tool of creativity. But of course, bombarding audience with too many harmonic and melodic elements may be an over usage.
It’s good you came along and ended this argument before it could start. I totally agree with you.
If you don’t want annoying replies flooding your inbox, what do you think you’re doing leaving intelligent, well thought out, and correct comments?
I agree. If you check out the Joe Pass instructional video posted on Youtube as well, he knows just enough “theory” to be able to communicate his ideas– but it’s all about what he hears. He confuses terms, forgets the word “chromatic” at one point, and I think he might even mistakenly call C the 9th of F or something. When playing diminished chords he says the possible roots are seperated by a “major third or something.” Yet he’s undoubtedly one of the greatest guitarists there will ever be.
As Bill Evans said, jazz is a process, not a style.
Jim Hall is a pure jazz artist that channels his artistry through the guitar. He plays ideas, much in the way that Sonny Rollins does, respecting and exploring the theme and truly improvising. As with Rollins, when the magic is there, he reflects the essence of what a great jazz musician should be: saying something with a very individual voice. Horn players almost universally express great appreciation for Jim as a “jazz musician”, but his genius is too frequently lost on guitarists.
Listen to Charlie Parker or Coltrane …you could take away the rhythm section and accompaniment but you would still hear all the changes …those guys are the tune …Joe Pass, Wes Montgomery and this guy of course …Jim Hall. Angry Internet people are always right hahahaha ….wrong!
Being able to play Dorian, Melodic Minor, Lydian Flat 2 or Altered scales,13 flat 9 and the like, does not make you a jazz guitarist even though (to the uneducated) the licks may have a ‘jazzy’ sound. Jazz is a language. A good jazz player is ‘in’ the music as opposed to on top of it. The notes can sound right and be technically correct but NOT jazz! No way is Eric Johnson a jazz player …he’s a really good player in what he does though. As for Steve Vai if he could play blues I might like him!
I like jazz but jazz fans are snobs. So you cant say anything against the ” jazz commandments”. Or people will yell at you.
Jim’s comping around 35:00 is just gorgeous. What a master!
You’ve got it figured out man
He never said that Benson, Wes, and Grant Green didn’t improv back in the day. All that he said was that they didn’t EXPLICITLY understand the theory, even though they IMPLICITLY understood it (i.e. they heard it.)
If you can’t understand that, you seriously need to work on your english.
All he said was that Eric Johnson is not a “jazz player”. @Rodite said that he LIKES Eric Johnson, try reading what Rodite actually wrote.
“When I heard Wes Montgomery the first time, I knew I’d never be able to do that anyway- so that helped me to find my own style. Also, I would much rather look at paintings sometime than to listen to any kind of music”
Some serious wisdom being dropped in this video
You are absolutely right jejeje, this RODITE got all paranoid, preachy and bossy, wow he really got off on everyone.
I believe you do not know Eric Johnson´s background, just because he is not a full time Jazz player he does not know Jazz? Jazz help him and many others to be a better musicians, so he is a useless player in Jazz in his musical journey in life because you say it??? I also think you just hate the dude, you waist so much time typing here trying to give a lecture to everyone.
Wait a minute, Jazz help me to improvise in Jazz and even in any kind of music out there, so do not say Benson, Wes and Grant Green did not improvise back then, they did…you just said they did not know anything about harmony or at least they did not take formal classes, but yes they have harmony otherwise they could not keep up with any big Jazz player back then and now, I challenge you to throw your best Jazz skills into a Jam sessions, I guaranty you will be able to pair with the rest.
post 4. I’ve read all the comments. I get it. The will of the internet prevails. You win. But you still aren’t right. For all the jazz guitarist out there this is why jazz isn’t popular. Cause anybody can say anything about it and think their right. Forget that they are records out there. Forget that colleges teach it. Forget it. It’s a lost cause. What you do will remain a mystery. And that is a shame because for some of us jazz is life.