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I need clarification. I constantly hear the example that it is the major scale just starting and stopping on a different note as in emphasis, but it sounds more than that. If the interval is changing, then to me it sounds like if in C, dorian would have a route of D which would be the C major scale played over a D minor chord, so to actually have the Dorian of C would be an A# major over a C chord. Is that correct?
Yeah, playing and teaching are two completely different skill sets. I’m glad Malmsteen is such a bad teacher; his lessons are pretty funny: “I use this a lot”; then rips a few riffs, then “I like this too”-races through another exercise, etc.
Technical players like Joe are very articulate. If Joe wasn’t I would not tune in.
love Joes playing, but his teaching skills are truly great as well. i’ve watched alot of these great players try to teach and explain what they are doing and many of them aren’t very good at that. malmsteen, great player, terrible at teaching. Paul Gilbert is quite a good teacher as well.
check the vid out on my channel lads…want to start doing jamtracks
its him n he has good taste even in his hats lol i wear the same haha, he is the bet in my eyes eitherway
waht de fuck is up with the textile basket on his head?
JESUS CHRIST has all the authority in heaven and on earth. Seek Jesus Christ, seek salvation ! JESUS CHRIST SAVES
sweet hat dude.
yeah i shouldn’t have said that, but I improvise without scales most of the times, i don’t know why but it’s going good the way i’m doing it
wow too much for me!
and he wears a GNR t-shirt!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
If you’re in any kind of music, you should NEVER say “I don’t need musical knowledge” ESPECIALLY things as important as scales. learn different scales and you’ll see a skyrocket in your ‘improv’.
You can totally hear the FLying in a Blue Dream wanting to come out… great lesson.
damnit joe, slow down.
I agree below he is definitely respectable
4:27 “…see what type of triads get built off of each note of [the] scale…”: Joe is talking about the Family of Chords for each Mode, which is a great way to get familiar with Modes and Modal progressions.
@Pushkar Sarkar I agree at a certain point you do need scales, and after a while it goes automatically
you dont need scales for your improv but if you learn scales and how to use them well, your improvs gonna become better cause you know/have more to work with. imagine having an extra queen in a chess game.
they are worth learning, scales do add many interesting sounds, pentatonic scales are good, but when you learn what modes fit into them, they become excellent. just because there’s more to play with. just saying.
@Manin themirror no thats not the case at all lol i dont need scales for my improv. i bet you’re really mature. lol get a life
I know what you mean. He seems to have this really down to Earth quality. He could ooze ego if he wanted to, but doesn’t. He seems like a genuinely nice guy.
who cares about his hat retard..
whats this vid from?? I wanna buy the whole thing.
Very nice chap.
Very humble person.
wayyyyy too advanced for me!
What’s wrong with just enjoying both players for what they offer?
That’s like comparing Ferrari’s to Bugatti’s….
When Steve Via is A Lamborghini!
Joes great yes, However Steve Via Has made more innovations to guitar playing then most people will ever realize in they’re life time!
And Joe after 20 years is still flying In A blue dream!
Such a good lesson, this has opened up so many new places for me as a guitarist. I love how the modes are explained by Joe as being more of an emotional effect and what you are trying to portray in your music (happy/sad etc) but still making it technical as well.
야 너 쌀 팔다가 여기서 딴따라로 먹구사네?
youre right but sometimes its better to put some guitarists in perspective. for example, joe satriani’s playing would be way higher rated than like lil wayne’s “playing” on stage
you’re right but i suck by ear.
no seriously. who is he teaching?!
i agree with you..
no wonder he wrote so many great song..n it felt diff when we hear/learn from the master itself..sounds simple/easy but deep.. that must be why most of his student really succeed n famous..hmmm..
Do What I Tell Ya – Infectious Grooves
thanks !!
great Lesson !!
Wow, music theory sounds intense. I feel liberated enough to even just play a few scales and sound okay. But interestingly enough after listening to Joe talk about modes, I’ve totally improved! craziness!
You need to listen to Allan Holdsworth and educate yourself!!
Please go back and listen to Black, Load and Reload albums. The one thing about Hammet’s solos, especially in songs like Wherever I may roam (Black album), Bleeding Me (Load) etc is that you get super emotional kicks listening to them. And that’s what Satriani think scales should do finally. So I feel Hammet did learn the most important lesson from his teacher. And he sounds great. Used to, at least.
guthry can guth on down the road
GnR t-shirt
because no matter how good of a teacher you have its the heart and mind of the musician that determines how far you will take and use whats been taught to you steve vai has always had a heart for musicians that are unique and craft a unique style of there own something that he had in his heart and mind something that hammet didn’t.
okay a little before that
6:38 he kinda mind fucked me