Added by on 2013-07-16 In this posting I wanted to briefly cover the topic of the major scale modes and offer a few initial practice tips. An instructional video with Andrew Wasson from Creative Guitar Studio on how to go about beginning practice of the modes. Follow Andrew on Facebook: Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  • Tito Agosto 11 years ago

    ur amazing man thank u

  • BeatBay 11 years ago

    great lesson thank you andrew!! andrew, what are your favorite guitar instructional videos of all time? :)

  • thejbskater 11 years ago

    so each mode is a major scale but move a step?

  • FartKnockaz 11 years ago

    In my opinion with concepts like mode theory….

    It’s kinda best to go into too much detail. It used to bug the hell out of me when i was getting into it.

  • kingyshell 11 years ago

    No, think of modes as feelings for example If you play C major that gives a sort of happy feel, but if you play A minor that gives you a sad feel but if you notice they both belong in the same key its just A is the 6th note in the C major scale and that’s like the other notes of C major they all give a different feel, but you can play in different keys it just depends on the chord progression and if it changes.

  • axeguru22 11 years ago

    u 4got the mixolydian scale up there…

  • lynkkx 11 years ago

    I never really understood any of these modes or scales.. basically each scale contains all the notes just with a different pattern, I learned to play guitar on my own so I know nothing about any technical stuff, is it wrong to just memorize the fretbord hehe I really need to find a full vid tut that starts from building block 1 of the guitar

  • AhYaOk 11 years ago

    Each of the 12 keys has 7 modes. Example: Parent key of C Major..

    cdefgabc – ionian (major)
    defgabcd – dorian
    efgabcde – phyrigian
    fgabcdef – lydian
    abcdefga – aeolian (minor)
    bcdefgab – locrian

  • jimbang 11 years ago

    isnt modes about playing in different keys??

  • creativeguitarstudio 11 years ago

    Hi mikeyFear0n…

    Most of the work done with the scales/modes depends largely on the chords being played behind everything. The more notes in the chords, (i.e., big chords like Mi9, Mi6, and even the Ma7, Mi7 and Dom.7), will not allow for as much flexibility with scale types. However, less notes in the chords will allow for greater choices when it comes to scales. The formula is something like:

    More chord tones = Less Scale Choices
    Less chord tones = More Scale Choices

    Hope this helps!

  • mikeyFear0n 11 years ago

    Ah awesome, thanks :P , now if I wanted to I could Change my sound from Em to Gmaj to A dorian just by focusing on certain notes in the Gmaj scale, right?
    I think I finally get modes, your a great teacher! Kudos!

  • creativeguitarstudio 11 years ago

    Reply to mikeyFear0n,

    Yes, however two quick points…

    1). The “A mi progression” would benefit from having some nice chord tones to really bring out the Dorian sound. In “A Dorian” I always suggest shooting for having F# notes present.

    2). REALLY focus on that “A” root – big time. Milk it with a push on A Minor Pentatonic, even try some Blues! Then turn lines into that F# tone.

    Hope this helps,
    Andrew Wasson

  • mikeyFear0n 11 years ago

    So, am I right in saying that if you wanted to solo in A dorian over an Am progression you just play Gmaj but use A as the root note?

  • jtonessimo 11 years ago

    sweet lesson bro
    not to mention your start has similar electronics to mine…
    despite the roldan gk midi pickup lol
    keep spreading theory dude, you do a good job

  • danenachtrieb 11 years ago

    great info im going to check out that DVD

  • creativeguitarstudio 11 years ago

    Go to my site and click on:
    “Guitar Theory”

    It is right under the YouTube video.

  • Halston Portalez 11 years ago

    i cant find the handout.. can anyone help me out

  • Hadogei123456789 11 years ago

    Glad to see more vids, man.