Visit to download the tab for this lesson and also to check out other blues guitar lesson videos. This lesson teaches you how to play a Robert Johnson inspired Delta blues song. The song is played fingerstyle with the right hand – no pick was used. Video Rating: 4 / 5 This is a complete lesson from, free of charge. Eric Madis, an instructor from, teaches a unique blues progression which he calls “RJ’s Lament.” The purpose of “RJ’s Lament” is to teach the style of Robert Johnson and help Blues guitarists incorporate his style into their own playing. This lesson covers the basic arrangement. Future lessons covering more advanced arrangements will be available only to members. More lessons are here : !
on 2013-07-16
Beautiful, thanks you
Wow that’s a beautiful aged guitar !
I don’t think Robert Johnson did anything in E…..That sounds more like Texas than the Delta, but….nice job….
That’s cool and addicting, thanks bro!
man.. i would love to own that guitar.. please can we work something out for it?
nice tutorial ! too bad sometimes what you show us, is not what you actually play in the intro..
but anyway thanks!
I just subscribed to your site… Please make more blues and country videos. I know the CAGED system and am trying to learn scales and soloing. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I guess I wasn’t listening, you do explain where melody comes in against the bass, I’m getting it!!
Great lesson, I’ve made more progress here than with any of the books, dvd’s, etc I’ve tried. Question: On counting the bass, are you hittting it on the beat with the melody always? If not , how would you count it? Thanks
Go Cubs, Go
Thx Brian , I will give this a go , great stuff
Fantastic lesson..very well done. I thank you
It’s a 1920s era Reagal guitar (made in Chicago) – Sure I’m always trading / selling guitars.. shoot me a private message and we can discuss. you can visit my website (see above) to get in touch with me.
what guitar is that its really nice, is it for sale?
Thanks a lot! its a pleasure to learn from you, greetings from Peru
Notable, Saludos from chile!
what kind of guitar is that
Its all tricks, once you know the trick, its not that hard anymore. You’ll see !
Hey , thats some great lesson you put there.
I’m a great fan of Robert Johnson and attempted to learn some stuff .
This really is a great help as well !!
have a great one !
what kind of guitar is this?
so difficult, but so cool
hi brian, I was playing along with you, but why are you barring the first 4 strings at 7:05?
it appears as if you dont even play them
Going to have to train that stretch part, thank you sir keep doing your awesome work
Like your lessons, not too ambitious and very well broken down, you are a good teacher
great lesson,thanks bro
This is really excellent
Yes, now I see. its the cc function, sorry, but it helps anyway.
they most have the closed captions “CC” button on.
We didn’t put subtitles in the video, it must be something YouTube is doing automatically.
subtitles are taking the mickey they dont make sense who ever wrote them cant spell
Hi Jam Player, thanks to put subtitles in this video. It’s so much easy to people like me that doesn’t have english like a native language.
And Great lesson Eric.
great lesson Eric