Added by on 2013-07-16 Search Andrew for FREE lesson Handouts. This Video: October 25, 2011 | Search Videos by Title/Date. GO TO: Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question… Q: I wanted to ask you a styles question, (since I mostly just play rock), the question is about Jazz style. This has much to do with my uncle because he keeps saying I should learn to play jazz. Since I am a long-time subscriber to you, & Your explanations are always so clear. I thought that you’d be the best person to describe to me what the heck jazz actually is. Jack — Toronto, Canada A: I think the reason why your uncle is likely going on at you about studying jazz music is because any study, or even discussion of Jazz will relate quite immediately to the musical process known of as improvisation. Musical improvisation also sometimes called spontaneous composition has not only long been a core element of musical performance, but it’s also a core element of Jazz music. Learning jazz, will help you improvise and ultimately play better. Not many people are aware of the fact that musical masters such as; Mozart, Handel, Bach, and [...]


Jazz Guitar


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  • R Hintz 11 years ago

    I believe it is an (A Maj7) – (F# min7) – (B min7) and (E7). He stated it was in the key of A and if you know your scales you will know that A, B, C#, D, E, F# and G# are the notes of A Maj. The Maj diatonic chord structure is Maj, min, min, Maj, Dom, min, dim.

  • Linkman145 11 years ago

    thanks for the history lesson, it’s way cool.

  • joseph bracks 11 years ago

    A very interesting video…thanks very much

  • DatoZacky 11 years ago

    omg, i have eargasm whenever he plays :D

  • George Domantic 11 years ago


  • the3watt 11 years ago

    Dixie. Fucking. Land.

    Sorry, but I love that genre so much, and our school has a Dixie band as well as a Jazz band…

  • John Strauss 11 years ago

    Thanks so much Andrew. Your lessons are really helpful. Some day soon I want to set up a live lesson. Thanks again

  • creativeguitarstudio 11 years ago

    Hi, just go to my blog-site at, andrewwasson [dot] com, and use the search function found at the top of the right column. Search for my videos by either title or release date. The materials download will be on the results page once you find the video lesson that you’re after. – Andrew

  • John Strauss 11 years ago

    I always hear that you can download the hand outs but for the life of me I can not find any of them on the website. Can anyone help me out with that??????????????????????

  • rocker3277 11 years ago

    Allen Ginsberg? 

  • Diego Garcia 11 years ago

    At: 05:14 What Chords did you use? … what progression is that!?… Thanks, Great Lesson.!

  • lederping 11 years ago

    I love you man, you have all the answers to LIFE.

  • moses wapshot 11 years ago

    I think the best way to explain jazz is to begin by playing some samples, from Louis Armstrong through Bennie Goodman, through Charlie Parker, through Miles Davis, though Ornette Coleman, though Art Ensemble of Chicago, through Weather Report, at which point jazz seems to lose the appearance of unity. The quickest explanation is just to play the dotted eighth note rhythm. That is the ‘swing’ as in ‘don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.’ Improvisation is central to jazz but not unique.

  • GuitarsRgood 11 years ago

    i recently changed my college major to Jazz And Contemporary Music. but i love Progressive/Technical Metal. will taking my classes even give me a better understanding of these genres? i’ve played guitar for 3 and a half years, but i taught myself, so i don’t know much about music theory

  • correbarcarola 11 years ago

    Hi, thank you, you are a great teacher, your lessons are very useful and interesting for any music student, congratulations and keep up the good work.

  • denim98 11 years ago

    Any music is considered jazz if it contains these elements – Syncopation, Dissonance and Improvisation.

  • AndersOchRobinsLand 11 years ago

    Love your explanation of how music nowadays works, you are so true! Made me happy!

  • zeppelin815 11 years ago

    The only people who don’t improv are people who lip sync.. pretty much every other musician improvs that’s why live songs differ from The recordings and are longer and have more complex solos

  • Fretanation 11 years ago

    love the outro music in a new jazzy style, lol :)

  • Amandeep Bath 11 years ago

    you are an awesome teacher. I could never understand what improvisation is and your explanation really helped me. Thanks. 

  • COOLBIAN57 11 years ago

    Someone asked earlier if andrew likes notes. He has stated that he prefers real music scores (with notes) but that sheets with both notes and tab are best for most players

  • omg you are like an encyclopedia, what do you NOT know about guitar!?

  • golfnff 11 years ago

    What kind of guitar/amp combo are you using to get your jazz tone for this lesson? Thanks again for your awesome lessons

  • Rahul Kaul 11 years ago

    I hope you know you are awesome. I am looking forward to this series. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  • awu84 11 years ago

    Great lesson, but not for me. I’m a begginer and I have to read and play a lot to just start play something not just christmas carols…. :)