Added by on 2013-07-15

5 Free Lessons click How to play the acoustic guitar In this lesson Megan teaches the basics of finger picking. You get close ups on the pick hand to really see the technique up close. Go to our full on video instructional website at for many more lessons. Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  • 123tigerlily321 11 years ago

    it means you don’t play the bottom E string, you play an open A string, on the d and g string you have your finger on the second fret, on the b strong you have your finger on the first fret, and the high e string is open. :)

  • ThePianohead 11 years ago

    I am not sure if anyone ever replied to this, but this code tells you what fret to place your finger on in the chord. The order goes from the 6th string to the 1st string. Xs stand for the string not being played at all. 0s mean that there is no finger on that chord.
    Hope that helps.

  • RegalFightClub 11 years ago

    its Am A minor
    its the chord look up basic chords on google the x means dont strum that string the 0 means strum the string all with your right hand and the 221 is your finger possition on the D G E strings .

  • Helmut Wabnig 11 years ago

    Why no nails, I mean, really ZERO nails !?

  • emoaralso 11 years ago

    Thank you Megan.. this is very helpful xx

  • nationalistsgroup 11 years ago

    it is really good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • alexpopu 11 years ago

    There the stings strings…
    X=first string not playing (Low E string)
    0=Open String (A string)
    2=finger on second fret (D string)
    2=finger on second fret (G string)
    1-finger on first fret (High E string)
    0=open string

  • Nickuncle 11 years ago

    I’m as complete a beginner as they get. Just got a guitar not 10 minutes ago. Never before played one. How do you align your fingers so that the string doesn’t stop vibrating? Like when I pluck the B string it just stop vibrating. I dunno if that made sense.

  • sambobsquar 11 years ago

    it’s what fret you’re playing on each string. so the X means you don’t play the first string then you play no fret on the second string (the 0) then you put your fingers on the second fret for the third and fourth string and you’re playing the first fret on the fifth string and nothing on the sixth.

  • shamserthapa 11 years ago


  • malmapunkrock 11 years ago

    the X02210 is the position of your left hand fingers on the frettes.. x means you don’t play that chord, 0 means you play that chord but without pressing any frettes then the numbers is the frette you have to put your fingers on. say 2 means you put your finger on the second frette starting from the far left. i’m still a begginer too just thought i’d try to explain it in my words maybe it helps.

  • Arie Lindenburg 11 years ago

    It’s the ‘tab’ for the strings that you either not play (X), play open (0), hold down the string on the 2nd fret (2) or 1st fret (1). It goes from left to right, biggest string to smallest string. Good luck

  • loveisnotforme 11 years ago

    that was very simple and helpful thank you ! doin a great work

  • Ajit Kumar 11 years ago


  • bobluman4 11 years ago

    its where you place your fingers the x means dont play that string or place your finger on it .the numbers 0,1,2 mean what fret to place your finger on

  • CyberKidXtra 11 years ago

    You have more likes on this comment than you have channel views …
    This made me smile :p

  • Pachara Saowarat 11 years ago

    thank you!!!!!!!

  • DevosVictorr 11 years ago

    its the short first string is X ( so dont play it ), second string is 0 so just play it without putting a finger on it, on thirth string you play a finger on the second fret, , fourth string the same, fifth string on the first fret, and the last string is also played without a finger

  • Tanner Rochon 11 years ago

    If no one has told you yet, its the fret pattern, X=string not played 0=open string 2=fret number 2=fret number 1=fret number 0=open string The patter starts from the top string, the one closest to your chin. X02210 is just an Aminor chord.

  • Jonathan Bennett 11 years ago

    2nd day with my new guitar , my fingers are killing me , am i doing it wrong …

  • foxconcept 11 years ago

    acoustic :)

  • Ludvig Edlund 11 years ago

    Hey Megan. Is index finger on 4th and pinkie on 1st just personal preference or are there any disadvantages of using that method? (I use it)

  • FortKnite 11 years ago

    X = string you don’t play, the numbers = which fret you are on (eg. 0 is an “open” chord meaning one played without any finger on it.)

  • trm34 11 years ago

    im playing with the same guitar

  • Rana Adnan 11 years ago

    Just a quick question. I recently starting teaching myself fingerstlyle guitar. I use my thumb for the bass notes, and the index finger for the other notes. I rarely use the other fingers, only when I have to pluck more than two strings at the same time. I just need to ask if its ok to do so? Or if I am just developing a bad habit?