Added by on 2013-07-15 click NOW for a FREE Video guitar lesson that is not on YouTube & a FREE Ebook from Next Level Learn punk electric guitar techniques and power chords lesson Green Day inspired music Check out all our current JAM TRACKS, song DVDs, and other instructional DVDs at – just click on any title for detailed lesson descriptions and to watch video previews.

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  • UnknowDude1 11 years ago

    Green Day sucks.. how they dare to call themselves punk rock band..

  • Chris St John 11 years ago

    Does it make a difference on a different brand of an electric guitar???

  • natkutje182 11 years ago

    R.I.P. Tony Sly

  • colico14 11 years ago

    You’re simply an idiot, period.

  • colico14 11 years ago


  • colico14 11 years ago

    Minutemen, DK, Black Flag, Husker Du=far from boring.

  • cjhansen777 11 years ago

    Cool! I’ve been following Dave for a while but I did know that he was in No Use For a Name! That was the first really good concert that I went to went I was in high school and it really made me fall in love with Punk.

  • zedzero77 11 years ago

    no use for a name was the best punk band period. r.i.p. tony sly

  • TrevRockOne 11 years ago

    If you’re seeking a lesson to play Punk, you’re doing it wrong.

  • Patrycz4k 11 years ago

    listen to bands such as black flag

  • ChaosBurnsWithin 11 years ago

    Well, he IS in a punk band, and them writing a punk song like that is the evolution of punk. Its not necesarily old school punk, nor pop punk. he’s also a big heavy metal guy so of course those influences are going to come out in his playing no matter what. and his band HAS gone places… bleeding through? great band

  • yodasodaskoda 11 years ago

    bla bla bla

  • sherriandalan 11 years ago

    Great lesson Dave.

  • rafaeljosez 11 years ago

    This isn’t punk da fucks wrong with this guy?._ o Jesus no wonder why his band never went anywhere..

  • kasabalisgreeksk8ter 11 years ago

    why boring man?? u cant judge something without testing it!

  • kasabalisgreeksk8ter 11 years ago

    how about GBH inspired lesson?? good lesson btw man!

  • seth mp 11 years ago

    punk rock … on a Charvel? with a FLOYD ROSE??!!??
    goodness gracious, if punk’s not dead, this just put 2 in the back of its head

  • lilmanstube 11 years ago

    Awesome guitar lessons review site that offers the best of the best in guide reviews.

    Stop by guitars.pushreview. com

  • jason gould 11 years ago

    I really liked no use for a name, soulmate was a great song.

  • proximoto 11 years ago

    Try that with DK

  • thepanostube 11 years ago

    The tone sucks….

  • Saif0rk 11 years ago

    The power chord punk style is awesome, it changes the usual chordprogerssion

  • NaziJesus 11 years ago

    punk played solely on power chords is boring, but punk isn’t boring

  • sheepmanA 11 years ago

    /watch?v=FfmMAV6aOeE&list=UUtLYjUW12QovJR-kPPKpUaQ&playnext=1&feature=autoplay … maybe som inspiration for beginner punk players