Added by on 2013-07-16

Here’s the first installment of my recording series! Here, I’m starting with some very basic concepts that not only apply to recording, but also to your guitar playing as a whole. I don’t have a road map for this series, so please leave a comment or private message me with some concepts that you’d like to learn! Contact to pre-order our new album!! Link to Circle7 Website Thanks so much for watching! Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  • johnboy2296 11 years ago

    did your voice get higher when you got older? lol but good vid

  • aquarius89dj 11 years ago

    How would I be able to clean up my sweep-picking?

  • chuck6686able 11 years ago

    Yo bro as one guitarist to another…your sincerly awesome man!

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    thank you!

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    The eve6 show? It was moved to september, but it was fantastic! The road trip was adventurous, and the crowd was awesome. I hope to do more out-of-state shows

  • Jb Boyer 11 years ago

    Hey, you’re awesome, keep doing what you do :D

  • mr76dukestah 11 years ago

    how did the show in june go?!

  • TheChesleywier 11 years ago

    I wanna learn where to make good notes. for solos. ive been playin for a while so im not too stupid. i also need to learn sweeps. just being really flexible with my fingers. idk.

  • GORZAS 11 years ago

    Thanks for the reply, I almost thought that you had given up on making a follow-up.
    I’m really confused on how to record my music so i thought that you might cover up on how to do it. Looking forward to your upcoming videos :) .

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    Part 2′s still on it’s way. I had a small natural disaster in the basement (water followed by mold), and that prolonged recording. Additionally, I’m keeping the guitar covers up, so I’m working on one while planning the next recording video. I’ll be covering some of the recording interfaces that I’ve used as well as the recording DAWs (sonar, garageband, adobe audition, audacity). Sorry for the wait, hang in there!

  • GORZAS 11 years ago

    Still waiting for part 2…

  • Luke Gibson 11 years ago

    It’s not just more treble, the whole guitar tone suffers, but it’s not really noticeable until you go over 15ft. so 5-10ft is a good size for a studio.

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    I agree haha, as it’s physically impossible to perfectly tune a guitar. There will always be issues either down or up the neck, but at least we can get it close :)

  • Bodycage 11 years ago

    This is no reflection on this video or your playing, but in simple terms, as much as I love guitar, it’s a deeply flawed instrument tuning wise!

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    Heavier strings are going to be tighter, so they’ll move less and stay in tune a little more IMO. The pick shouldn’t get stuck either way, though. The key to speed picking is “economy of motion”, or moving your arm/hand as little as possible. If you pick really hard, then heavier strings will keep the string in place more. If you’re speed picking, make sure you’re using heavier picks, too–that helps a lot. God bless!

  • AnimexMetalxTrance xGamesxPianoxGuitar 11 years ago

    Hey Chuck Great videos man, nice to see a megaman fan in this era lol,
    my guitar is 100 bucks an epi les paul special, i have ernie ball 9′s on there
    and speed picking on the lower strings is hard because the strings are loose and my pick gets stuck, would changing the string gauge make a difference? i love to play guitar but its really expensive 0_0 ,so if i get this set up with new string then its gonna cost as much as the guitar, any tips? and god bless you;or your mom if your athiest lol

  • John Meyers 11 years ago

    Thx for replying.  I got a line6 amp so it’s perfect for the pedal

  • ElDrHouse2010 11 years ago

    Yeah bro.
    This video game musicians community is growing a lot in YouTube and I love how its evolving, its pretty interesting to see how people “build” the internet.

  • ragnaroksama 11 years ago

    oh thats nice, my jazz bass needs a new nut 2, used 2 have heavy gagues on it cause its a 5 string so why would go light with that right? then i got idk, just to test it, very very very light strings now it sucks they’re very wobly cause u cant put more tension on them and they will buzz, just cause of the nut, only fix i got for that ATM is putting a paper in the space to make the string higher, its been doing the job but i want it 100% decent XD

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    Cool, I will be sure to go over some of the recording interfaces (equipment between the guitar and computer) in my upcoming videos

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    I couldn’t give you a “best” pedal because I’ve only used a few, but most effects processors work good for dialing in different amp models and effects. I still use my digitech gnx4 once in a while, and it has amp models that go from clean tweed sounds to rectified distorted tones. I also hear that a line6 pod is pretty good.

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    Yes I have, that guy rocks. I probably should provide a link on my website or mention him in one of these tutorials that he has a full-blown recording tutorial for this stuff. My goal won’t be to make a sequenced tutorial (since it’s been done several times by others), but I want to answer questions and show some aspects unique to the way that I record my stuff

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    Glad my tutorial helped! Yeah, room noise isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when recording, but it’s there haha

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    Thanks! Yes, this is an S-series

  • fhatsk8er 11 years ago

    Ok cool, I will definitely address that in the upcoming videos